CE433 Embedded Devices (Syllabus)
Instructor:    Yiyan Li, yli@fortlewis.edu
Lectures: Tuesday & Thursday: 08:00 am – 09:25 am in BH570
Labs: Tuesday: 2:30 - 5:35 pm, SFH760
Office Hours: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, 9:00 – 11:00 am in BH601, 1/13/2025 – 4/25/2025

Homework Assignments
Week 1
1/14, T
Vivado, Vim, Verilog basics, Basys 3, LUT, structural/dataflow/behavioral representation
More on Vim
  • Quiz 1 on Verilog basics will be administered during the last 20 minutes of the lecture. 
  • Lab 1 shows how to install and use Vim and Vivado
HW1, due Monday 1/20 11:59 pm
Finish the tasks listed at the bottom in the 'Basics' tutorial, submit a single PDF file with all the snapshots to Canvas.

1/16, Th
Blocking and nonblocking assignment, delay, wire/reg, hierarchical representation, testbench
video, notes
quiz 2, 20 min on structural/dataflow/behavioral and hierarchical
Week 2
1/21, T
Data Types (lecture in BH570)

1/23, Th
lecture in BH570

Week 3
1/28, T
Combinational Blocks (lecture in BH570)

1/30, Th
lecture in BH570

Week 4
2/4, T
Data Storage (Lecture in BH570)

2/6, Th
lecture in BH570
Week 5
2/11, T
Sequential Circuit Design (Lecture in BH570)

2/13, Th
lecture in BH570

Week 6
2/18, T
VGA (lecture in BH570)

2/20, Th
Midterm Exam midterm grades due on 2/24

Week 7
2/25, T
UART (lecture in BH570)

2/27, Th
lecture in BH570

Week 8
3/4, T
Soft Core

3/6, Th
lecture in BH570
Week 9
3/11, TUSB

3/13, Th
lecture in BH570

Week 10 3/18, T
Spring Break

3/20, Th
Spring Break

Week 11 3/25, T

3/27, Th
lecture in BH570

Week 12 4/1, T

4/3, Th
lecture in BH570
Week 13 4/8, T
The 6502 SoC

4/10 ,Th
lecture in BH570

Week 14 4/15, T
The Course Project NSPECodeofEthicsforEngineers.pdf
Engineering Ethics NSPE Examples

4/17, Th
The Course Project

Week 15
4/22, T
The Course Project

4/24, Th
The Course Project Presentation