CE433 Embedded Devices Labs
1/14 - Lab 1 Vivado, gvim installation and preparation.
1/21 - Lab 2 Verilog, Vivado, and FPGA Basics.
1/28 - Lab 3 More about FPGA - Seven Segment Display (2-week lab).
2/11 - Lab 4 Combinational Blocks.
2/18 - Lab 5 2's Complement Adder (2-week lab),
3/4 - Lab 6 Basys 3 and VGA,
3/11 - Lab 7 Basys 3 and LCD Display,
3/25 - Lab 8 The PicoBlaze Softcore, (2-week lab),
4/8 - Lab 9 The XADC
4/15 - Lab10 The 6502 SoC