Lab 2 - Verilog, Vivado, and FPGA Basics

Name: Taylor Schermer


Task 1:

        1. Go through all the steps in this lab instruction, report your code, simulation results, and the on-board verification results. (30 points)

Note: On-board verification shown in Task 3.

Description of your image

Figure 1. And Gate Code

Description of your image

Figure 2. And Gate Simulation

As displayed in the simulation, my and gate logic works properly. Below in my demonstration of volatile and nonvolatile memory you can see it in action.

Task 2:

        2. Use the same procedure to create XOR and OR gates. Run simulations to verify the logic. (30 points)

Description of your image

Figure 3. XOR Gate Code

Description of your image

Figure 4. XOR Gate Simulation

As displayed in the simulation, my xor gate logic works properly.

Description of your image

Figure 5. Or Gate Code

Description of your image

Figure 6. Or Gate Simulation

As displayed in the simulation, my or gate logic works properly.

Task 3:

        3. Use both the volatile and nonvolatile methods (QSPI) to program your FPGA. Show videos for the demonstrations. (40 points)

As you can see in the video, non-volatile memory is still accesible even if power is cut from the device.

On the other hand, if power is shut off from the device volatile memory is lost.

What I learned:

        In this lab we utilized vivado to program an and gate, xor gate, and or gate and run simulations to verify logic. We applied our and gate to our Basys3 to learn how connect our hardware to our logic. We programmed to volatile memory to demonstrate that when power is cut our logic is lost. We also programmed to non-volatile memory to show that memory can be saved there when power is cut.