ENGR 433 Lab 2023 Spring
Lab 6: Basys 3 FPGA to Implement a VGA Driver

Name: Seth VanMatre
Email: sgvanmatre@fortlewis.edu

Basys 3 FPGA to Implement a VGA Driver


The objective of this lab is to use the Basys 3 board to to implment various tasks using VGA.

Materials and Methods
- Install Vivado 2018 version.
- Install gvim.
- Basys 3

Task 1: Draw a green line on a white background on the monitor.
Figure 1: Monitor green bar.
Task 2: Draw an additional red bar on the monitor.
Figure 2: Monitor green bar and red block.
Task 3: Move the red bar to the right (horizontally)

Task 4: Bounce it back and forth between the green line and x of 600.

Figure 3: VGA code top half.

Figure 3.1: VGA code bottom half.
I didn't have any difficulty working on this lab and getting the VGA to work.