ENGR 433 Lab 2023 Spring
Lab 1: Vivado, gvim installation and preparation
Seth VanMatre
Email: sgvanmatre@fortlewis.edu

Vivado and Gvim installation/Preparation


The objective of this lab is to review how to upload to my webpage as well as practive using gvim.    

Materials and Methods
- Install Vivado 2018 version.
- Install gvim.

Task 1: Test your webpage on yilectronics.com. Create new links for CE 433 if necessary.

Task 2: Practice gvim. Prepare for a quiz on next Thursday. Record a video of showing using all the commands above while you type in vim.

Task 3: Make a snapshot of the user interface of Vivado and insert the figure in lab 1.

Figure 1: Snapshot of the user interface of Vivado.

Reviewing how to upload to the website was helpful.