CE 433 Spring 2024
Lab 8: The square problem with pushbuttons and seven segment displays
Sahra Genc

Lab 8: The square problem with pushbuttons and seven segment displays

Week 1
Task 1: Repeat the work in Section 1. (30 points)

Figure 1. The implemented top module for section 1

Figure 2. The changes made in btn_rom.psm file

Video 1. The demonstartion of the work in section 1

Task 2: Complete the task in Section 2. (20 points)

Figure 3. The code implemented for section 2

The code completes the bitstream but doesn't show the results on the LEDs just shows it on the seven segment display. Couldn't figure it out why.

Video 2. The demonstration for section 2

Week 2
Task 3: Complete the task in Section 3. (50 points)

Figure 4. The code implemented for section 3 part 1

Figure 5. The code implemented for section 3 part 2

Figure 6. The code implemented for section 3 part 3

This code also didn't work as excepted. It works on the seven segment display only.

 Video 3. Demonstration for section 3