CE 433 Spring 2024
Homework 8: Soft-Core
Sahra Genc

HOMEWORK 8: Soft-Core
Task : Repeat the work in Section 3 - 11 in this tutorial. If the Section asks you to complete something, please complete it. Show the code and demo videos for credits.

Section 3

Figure 1. The main code that is used for all the sections in the homework

Figure 2. The assembly code used for the task in section 3

Video 1. The demonstration of  the task in section 3

Section 4

Video 2. The demonstration of  the task in section 4

Section 5

Figure 3. The assembly code used for the task in section 5

Video 3. The demonstration of  the task in section 5

Section 6

Figure 4. The assembly code used for the task in section 6

Video 4. The demonstration of  the task in section 6

Section 7

Figure 5. The assembly code used for the task in section 7

Video 5. The demonstration of  the task in section 7

Section 8

Figure 6. The assembly code used for the task in section 8

Video 6. The demonstration of  the task in section 8

Section 9

Figure 7. The assembly code used for the task in section 9

Figure 8. The demonstration of  the task in section 9

Section 10

Figure 9. The assembly code used for the task in section 10

Figure 10. The demonstration of  the task in section 10

Section 11

Figure 11. The assembly code used for the task in section 11

Video 7. The demonstration of  the task in section 11