CE 433 Spring 2024
Homework 7: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
Sahra Genc

HOMEWORK 7:Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
Task 1: In section 2. use the debounce module to create a counter. When the user press the button once, it shows a '1' on the seven segment display. If the user keep pushing the button, the display increments by 1 until 9 then it resets to 0.

Figure 1. The implemenation of the counter with using debounce

Figure 2. The debounce module that is used

Video 1. The demonstration of the counter on the seven segment display with using the button

Task 2: Repeat the UART transmitter in Section 2 to show letters/symbols in the serial monitor.

Figure 3. The implemenation of the UART transmitter in Section 2

The same debounce module shown in Figure 2. also used in the UART_tx_top module shown in Figure 3.

Video 2. The demonstration of the UART transmitter in the serial monitor

Task 3: Repeat the work in Section 3.

Figure 4. The implemenation of the UART receiver in Section 3

Video 3. The demonstration of the UART receiver

Task 4: Show the numbers you typed in the serial monitor on one seven segment display unit (less than 10).

Figure 5. The implemenation of the UART receiver displayed on the seven segment

Video 4. The demonstration of the UART receiver displayed on the seven segment