CE 433 Spring 2024
Homework 6: Video Graphics Array (VGA)
Sahra Genc

HOMEWORK 6:Video Graphics Array (VGA)

Task 1: Repeat the work in Section 2. Show the code, explanation, and a demo video.

The VGA module shown in Figure 1. creates VGA signals, incorporates Hsync, Vsync, and color signals for pixel presenation. It uses the parameters HDISP, VDISP, HFP, VFP, HPW, and VPW to define display timing and resolution. Counters (hcount and vcount) track pixel positions within the display area, updating with a 25 MHz clock. Synchronization signals are generated based on these counts. Pixel data is retrieved from memory using pixelAddr, and the module extracts red, green, and blue components for output. When the pixel position goes over the specified resolution , the pixel address resets, and data process is disabled.

Figure 1. The implemenation of displaying image with VGA

Video 1. The demonstration of displaying image with VGA

Task 2: Replace the clock generator IP with a self-made clock divider module that generates 25MHz clock. Demonstrate that it works for the rest of the circuit.Show the code, explanation, and a demo video.

In this part the same VGA module used but a self-made clock divider module used intead of the clock generator. Clk module syncs the VGA operation using a divided clock from the input clock. The counter (cnt) divides the input clock frequency by 4, resulting in a 25 MHz output clock. The output toggles based on cnt, providing a slower clock signal.

Figure 2. The implemenation of self-made clock divider for displaying image with VGA

Video 2. The demonstration of displaying image with VGA with self-made clock divider

Task 3: Complete the two examples in Section 3. Show the code, explanation, and a demo video.

The code shown in Figure 3. uses the same VGA module but initilizes the all the colors values to high and it results in white color display on the monitor. Also on the testbench the sx and sy values are maximized so that white color displays on the whole screen.

Figure 3. The implemenation of displaying full white screen on the monitor with VGA

Video 3. The demonstration of displaying full white screen on the monitor with VGA

The module shown in Figure 4. module incorporates a counter (cnt) to alternate between different color patterns at specific intervals and it results in flashing red, green and blue color on the monitor.

Figure 4. The implemenation of flashing RGB on the monitor with VGA

Video 4. The demonstration of flashing RGB on the monitor with VGA