CE 433 Spring 2024
Homework 3: Combinational Logic Block
Sahra Genc

LAB 3:Combinational Logic Blocks

Task 1: Repeat the simulation of Half Adder and Full Adder in Section 1. Show the code, code explanations, and simulation results in your report.
The code shown in Figure 1. computes the sum output "sum" using an XOR gate, representing the addition of the two input bits from "s". The carry-out "cout" is determined by an AND gate based on the input bits. The "halfadder_tb" is the testbench, setting different input combinations "x" and "y" and observing the corresponding outputs "s" and "co" after specified delays.

Figure 1.
Gvim code of the half adder implementation

Figure 2.
Vivado simulation of the half adder

The shown code in Figure 3. calculates the out put "sum" using XOR gates, representing the addition of three inputs: the two bits from "s" and the carry-in "cin". The carry-out "cout" is determined through a combination of AND and OR gates based on the input bits. The "fulladder_tb" is the testbench,
initializing inputs and observing outputs after delays. A loop simulates eight input combinations to test the "fullAdder" module functionality.

Figure 3.
Gvim code of the full adder implementation

Figure 4.
Vivado simulation of the full adder

Task 2: Design the testbench for the comparator in Section 2. Show the code, code explanations, and simulation results in your report.

The "twoBitComparator" module shown in Figure 5. implements a 2-bit binary comparator, generating three outputs "g", "e", "l" indicating whether the first number is greater, equal, or less than the second. The "twoBitComparator_tb" is the testbench, cycling through different 2-bit input combinations "x" and "y" with a 10-time unit delay between each set of inputs.

Figure 5. Gvim code of the 2-bit Comaparator implementation

Figure 6.
Vivado simulation of the 2-bit Comaparator

Task 3: Design the testbench for the 4-bit comparator in Section 3. Show the code, code explanations, and simulation results in your report.

The "fourBitComparator" module shown in Figure 7. implements a 4-bit magnitude comparator, comparing two 4-bit inputs "x" and "y". The 3-bit output "comp" indicates whether "x" is greater, equal, or less than "y". The "fourBitComparator_tb" is the testbench, initializing the 4-bit inputs with different combinations and observing the 3-bit output "comp" after a 10-time unit delay between each set of inputs.

Figure 7. Gvim code of the 4-bit Comaparator implementation

Figure 8.
Vivado simulation of the 4-bit Comaparator

Task 4: Implement a 2-bit comparator on the Basys 3 board. Use sw as inputs and led as outputs. Show the code, code explanations, and an embedded Youtube video demonstration in your report.

The "twoBitComparator" module shown in Figure 9. implements a two-bit binary comparator, producing a 3-bit result "comp" indicating greater-than, equal-to, and less-than conditions between two 2-bit binary numbers "x" and "y". The "twoBitComparator_tb" module is testbench, connecting a 4-bit switch input "sw" to the comparator and displaying the 3-bit result on LED outputs "led".

Figure 9. Gvim code of the 2-bit Comaparator implementation

Video 1. Demonstration of the 2-bit Comaparator on FPGA board

Task 5: In Section 4, design the testbench for the decoder and verify the logic in simulation (use the Dataflow modeling method). Show the code, code explanations, and simulation results in your report.

The "decoder" module shown in Figure 10. implements a 2-to-4 decoder, generating a 4-bit output "y" based on the 2-bit input "x". Each bit in "y" corresponds to a specific binary combination of the input bits. The "decoder_tb_FPGA" is the testbench, cycling through different input combinations "x" with a 10-time unit delay between each set.

Figure 10. Gvim code of the decoder implementation

Figure 11.
Vivado simulation of the decoder

Task 6: In Section 5, for the 8x3 priority encoder, find Q2 and Q1, build the module and verify the logic using simulations. Show the code, code explanations, and simulation results in your report.

Figure 12. Logic derivation of Q2 and Q1

The "encoder" module shown in Figure 13. implements an 8-to-3 priority encoder, where the output "y" encodes the highest-order active bit position in the 8-bit input "x". The "encoder_tb" module serves as a testbench, initializing the 8-bit input with different combinations and observing the 3-bit output "y" after a 10-time unit delay between each set of inputs.

Figure 13. Gvim code of  the 8x3 priority encoder implementation

Figure 14.
Vivado simulation of the 8x3 priority encoder

Task 7: Derive the logic expression of a 4-1 multiplexer. Show the process on a paper, insert it as an image into your report.

Figure 15. Logic derivation of 4-1 multiplexer

Task 8: In Section 6, implement a 4-1 multiplexer on your Basys 3 board. Show the code, code explanations, and an embedded Youtube video demonstration in your report.

The "four_to_one_MUX" module shown in Figure 16. implements a 4-to-1 multiplexer, where the output "y" is determined by the select inputs "s" and the 4-bit input "x". The "four_to_one_Mux_tb" module serves as a testbench, connecting a 6-bit switch input "sw" to the multiplexer and observing the 2-bit output on LED outputs "led".

Figure 16. Gvim code of the 4-1 multiplexer implementation

Video 2. Demonstration of the 4-1 multiplexer on FPGA board

Task 9: Design/verify an even parity generator and checker in simulation respectively. Implement an even parity checker on your Basys 3 board - use sw as inputs, use leds as output indicators. Show the code, code explanations, and an embedded Youtube video demonstration in your report.

 The "evenParity" module shown in Figure 17. defines an even parity checker, where the output "p" is the result of an XOR operation on inputs "a", "b", and "c". The "evenParity_tb" module is the testbench for the simlation, It is applying different combinations of inputs "a", "b", "c" and observing the output "p" after a 10-time unit delay for each combination.

Figure 17. Gvim code of the even parity generator implementation

Figure 18. Vivado simulation of the even parity generator

 The first module, "even_parity_checker_tb," shown in Figure 19. is the testbench for the simaltion. It initializes input variables "a", "b", "c", and "p" to 0 and observes the output "cp" after a delay. Subsequently, it increments these inputs in a loop to simulate various input combinations. The second module, "even_parity_checker," defines an even parity checker circuit with inputs "a", "b", "c", and "p", and output "cp". The output "cp" is determined by XOR pairs of input bits.

Figure 19. Gvim code of the even parity checker implementation

Figure 20. Vivado simulation of the even parity checker

Video 3. Demonstration of the even parity checker on the FPGA board

Task 10: Implement the design in Section 8 and Section 9 on your Basys 3 board. Show embedded Youtube video demonstration on your report. Show the code, code explanations, and an embedded Youtube video demonstration in your report.

 The "homeAlarm" module shown in Figure 21. defines a home alarm system where the activation signal "a" is generated if any of the four sensors "s" is triggered, and the switch "m" is enabled. The "homeAlarm_tb" is the testbench, simulating the alarm activation by assigning a specific pattern to the "act" wire based on the switch input. The "decoder_7seg" module decodes the pattern for visualization on a 7-segment display "seg".

Figure 21. Gvim code of the improved home alarm system implementation

Video 4. Demonstration of the improved home alarm system on the FPGA board

The "carPark" module shown in Figure 22. functions as a car parking counter, summing the bits of a 9-bit switch input "s" to represent the total number of cars. The testbench is connecting the switch input to the car parking counter and observing the 4-bit LED output "led" and the 7-segment display output "seg". The "decoder_7seg" module decodes the LED pattern into a 7-segment display format.

Figure 22. Gvim code of the improved counter with SSD implementation

Video 5. Demonstration of the improved counter with SSD on the FPGA board