CE 433 Spring 2024
Final Prject : ADC and SPI
Sahra Genc

 Final Project : ADC and SPI

Task : Replace the analog amplifier with a potentiometer. First, connect the output of the potentiometer to an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) to digitize the analog signal. Then, interface the digital output from the ADC to the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) port input. Include a 5V/3.3V level shifter between the Basys3 and the Arduino SPI ports to ensure compatibility. Finally, configure the Arduino to transmit the digital signal data to the serial monitor for display.

The Verilog module "XADCdemo" converts analog-to-digital and digital communication. It integrates an XADC (Xilinx Analog-to-Digital Converter) for converting analog signals from specific input pins and an SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) for data transmission. The module is clocked by a 100 MHz signal and includes various inputs for analog signals and SPI control. Within the module, an XADC converts the analog inputs to digital format, outputting the data to a 16-bit register. This data is displayed on LEDs and partially sent out through the SPI’s MISO line by a SPI follower transmitter, which transmits only the 8 most significant bits of the ADC data. The continuous conversion feature is enabled by looping the end of conversion signal back to the conversion enable input, ensuring the XADC is consistently sampling and updating the data.

Figure 1. The top module for ADC

The Verilog module "SPI_follower_transmitter" functions as an SPI slave transmitter, it manages the transmission of an 8-bit data set to an SPI master. It operates under a simple state machine with three states: Ready (RDY), Transmit (TRANSMIT), and Stop (STOP). Triggered on the negative edge of the SPI clock (sck), the module begins transmitting data when the Slave Select (ss) line is active. It sequentially sends the data bits from most to least significant, indicating busy status during transmission, and resets upon completion. This design ensures synchronization with the SPI clock and responsiveness to control signals.

Figure 2. SPI follower transmitter code

The Arduino code shown in Figure 3 is designed to communicate with an SPI device. In the "setup()" function, it initializes the serial communication at 9600 bps and configures pin 13 as an output, pin 10 as an output for the chip select (CS) function, and pin 12 as an input. It then sets the CS pin high and initializes the SPI bus. In the main "loop()", it starts an SPI transaction with16 MHz clock speed, MSB first and SPI mode 3. It pulls the CS pin low to enable the SPI device, and transfers one byte of data, storing the received byte into "receivedData10". After the transfer, it sets the CS pin high and ends the SPI transaction. If "cnt" is 8, it prints the received byte to the serial monitor and resets "cnt" to 0; otherwise, it increments "cnt". The loop runs every second due to the "delay(1000)". When we were reading the data we realized that, there was a problem in the synchronicity of the clocks and we were seeing the right value in every eighth reads. So we made the SPI device the read and print the value periodically in every eighth read.

Figure 3. Arduino SPI controller receiver code

Figure 4. The setup of the FPGA, breadboard and arduino board

Video 1. The demonstration of ADC working on the serial monitor

Figure 5. Results for 3 in decimal

Figure 6. Results for 64 in decimal

Figure 7. Results for 201 in decimal

Figure 8. Results for 145 in decimal

Figure 9. Results for 255 in decimal

Figure 10. Results for 0 in decimal