ENGR 338 - 2021 Fall

Lab 4:
MOSFETs and IV Curves

By: Roxie Sandoval


I. Introduction
The objectives of this lab were to build MOSFETs in Electric and use LTSpice to simulate and analyze the current-voltage (IV) curves.

II. Materials and Methods

i. Materials
1. Electric VLSI software
2. LTSpice software

ii. Method(s)
First the schematics for both the NMOS and the PMOS were created in thier individual cells, then they were modelled with LTSPice - this will allow both to be simulated in LTSpice.  Once both had thier schematics created, thier layouts were designed, during the process well and error checks were conducted. When the layouts were completed, a spice code was written to allow the NMOS and PMOS layouts to simulated separately.

With a successful simulation, the schematics were then redesigned to match the layout of both NMOS and PMOS. Like the layout procedure - these required error checks, if there were no errors they were simulated, again, in LTSpice.   

III. Results
The NMOS layout was designed and can be seen in Figure 1, below. The NMOS had to be checked multiple times for design errors, so it can be successfully simulated in LTSpice. After simulation, the schematic was designed to have matching ports which can be seen in Figure 2. The figure also included the Spice code used in both simulations.

Figure 1: The layout of the NMOS, with no well errors.

Figure 2: The NMOS schematic with matching ports and clean DRC, with the Spice code.

Figure 3 and Figure 4 below show the resulting simulations from the layout and schematic designs, respectively. The results from the layout simulation was taking from the source or "s" port from the previous NMOS layout figure.The results from the schematic was simulated from the drain (d) port, shown in Figure 2.


Figure 3: The NMOS layout simulation results, taken from the source port.

Figure 4: The simulation results from the NMOS schematic, taken from the drain port.

ii. PMOS
As for the PMOS, similar procedures were followed and therefore Figure 5, below shows the layout with no well errors, as well. Then the schematic of the PMOS was designed and DRC or error checked, Figure 6.

Figure 5: Layout of the PMOS with no well errors.

Figure 6:PMOS schematic with Spice code and no design errors.

From LTSpice simulations from the previous designs can be seen below, Figure 7 shows the PMOS layout schematic which was taken from the source (s) port. The results from the schematic can be seen in Figure 8, this too was taken from the s-port.

Figure 7: The resulting simulation from the PMOS layout, taken from the source port.

Figure 8: PMOS schematic results simulated from the source port.

IV. Discussion

This lab was proven to be successful with the proper simulation results. Both the NMOS and PMOS had the same results for both thier layout and schematic designs which was expected.