Noah Smith

This lab is tackling more advanced VGA problems.

1. Draw a green line on a white background on the monitor. (25 points)

This was a simple matter of defining the pixel range, and then making it green.

A screen shot of a computer code

Description automatically generatedA close-up of a screen

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2. Draw an additional red bar on the monitor (25 points)

The concept of this is the same as the green bar. Define the pixel range, color it red. Due to my monitor being 1920x1080 resolution, the 640x480 resolution of the VGA code leaves the normal range of the red bar out of view. To get around this I put the red bar much farther over horizontally so that it would show up. This range can be seen in the code.

A computer screen with many colorful text

Description automatically generated with medium confidenceA screen shot of a white rectangular object

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3. Move the red bar to the right (horizontally) by 1 pixel for every 0.5 second. 
(25 points)
To achieve this, a range “counter” is added, every time 500000 clk cycles go by, or every .5 seconds, the range is incremented. This small bit of code is seen below, the display code is relitevlty the same, the only edit is the horizontal range of the red bar must be changed from pixel numbers to the range counter. Once again, because of my display resolution, this range is artificially shortened and I chose to move the bar to the left, instead of right, as I had more display that direction.

A computer screen with text and numbers

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4. Bounce it back and forth between the green line and the X location of 600. The speed is 0.01s/pixel. (25 points)

This was similar to the last problem, I only needed to flip the range counter every time the range counter hit 35 or 100. This can be seen in the code. If the range is flipped it then decrements instead of increments every clk cycle.


A computer screen with text and numbers

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