Review of Superposition and Thevenin Equivalent Circuits

Task 1
Use superposition to find all voltages and currents on the below circuit.


Hand work for superposition. This was done by shorting each voltage source in turn and finding Vout, then adding the two Vout's together.


HandWork for superposition

LT spice code and simulation of circuit. As you can see in the simulation, 2.4v at Vout is consistent with the handwork. Our superposition worked.

Spice code and simulation

Task 2
Find Vout using the Thevenin equivalent circuit on the circuit below.

problem for task 2

Handwork for finding the Thevenin equivalent circuit. This also includes finding the time delay by using the formula T = C *R * .7. *Note, there is a error in the time delay calculation. It should be 1.4uS not mS.


Hand work for task 2

LT spice simulation of Task 2. Pulse of voltage was set with min 0V max 5V, delay of 100ms, rising/falling time of 1picoSec on time of 200ms and period of .5 second.
