LAB 7: LCD Display

Noah Smith

The goal of this lab is to use the Basys 3 board to interface with an LCD display.

Task 1: Repeat work from textbook.

This task was to display various words on the LCD display based on the input from switches. The wiring description can be found in the textbook. **REMEMBER TO GROUND THE BASYS 3 BOARD**

This consisted of two parts: the LCD driver, copied directly from the textbook, and the translator module, which I had to modify to work for our applications. The code for the LCD driver and modified Translator module can be seen below along with a demonstration video.


Modifications to the translator module involved:

o   Adding switches as inputs

o   Replacing “data_out” with JA[0:7]. These are pins on the Basys 3 board we used for the LCD write data.

o   Replacing enable and Rs pins with JB0 and JB2.

With these modifications to the translator module the LCD will run off the Basys 3 board.

A screen shot of a computer

Description automatically generatedA screen shot of a computer

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Task 2: Make the words steady

In order to make the words steady on the screen we needed to decrease the display time from 16000000 to 700000, this makes the refresh rate fast enough that it looks like the word just displayed.

The code modification in the translator module can be seen below as well as a demonstration video.


A computer screen with text and numbers

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Task 3: Use ASCII code instead of characters

This is a simiple matter of consulting an ASCII table and replacing the character maps with the binary ascii values. I chose to modify the default state of my translator module. The modified code seen below. There is also a picture of completed wiring and “HELLO!!” being displayed.


A computer code with numbers and letters

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A circuit board with wires and a display

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