Noah Smith

Task 1: Build an 8-bit MUX. (20 points)

The first step was to build a single bit MUX and simulate it using LTspice; The results can be seen below. (Schematic is DRC clean)

Next was the simple matter of converting this 1 bit MUX into an 8 bit MUX. The schematic and simulation of this 8 bit MUX can be seen below.

Onto the layout portion of the MUX, again starting with the 1 bit MUX layout. This was laid out in a way to be easily chained together into an 8 bit layout with minimal tweaks or complications. (DRC and NCC are clean for this layout)

As mentioned previously the next step is to get 8 of this mux’s in a line and wire it up (8 bit MUX). This passed both DRC and NCC checks.


Task 2: Build a 1-bit high-speed full adder. (40 points)

To start creating a high speed full adder I used the AOI logic schematic to create a layout. Then built the schematic in Electric VLSI and simulated using LTSpice.

 A computer screen shot of a diagram

Description automatically generated


With the schematic done it was a slow process of carefully laying out this high speed FA in a space efficient way. It takes inspiration from the layout pictured in the tutorial makes “improvements” when I saw a better way to do something. (passes DRC and NCC)


Task 3: Build an 8-bit high-speed full adder. (30 points)

With the most challenging part of the layout done, I now had to simply smoosh 8 of these together. With the layout designed in a way to make this simpler it was a fairly straight forward process. Again, started with the schematic and simulation.

Onto the layout, not a lot of detail in this image but all pins are exported correctly and it passes NCC and DRC.