Noah Smith


Task 1: Build and simulate a Ring oscillator. (20 points)

After breifly modifying my existing inverter design, I could design the schematic for the Ring oscillator by chaining 11 inverters together. A simultation was run to ensure proper functionality.

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Next we created the same schematic with buses instead of 11 different inverters, this was done by renamin the inverter icon to inverter[0:10] and using buses to connect the input and output ports. Again, simulated to check logic.

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After creating the schematic with buses and verifying logic, we could create the layout. This was simple enough, line 11 inverters in a row, connect vdd’s and gnd’s link all the in’s to the outs and short the final in and out together with metal 2 layer (purple). Verify that it is clean (Clears NCC and DRC).

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Task 2: Design an 8-bit AND gate. (20 points)

Using our new bus knowledge we can create an 8 bit AND gate. First we need to create an AND gate by tossing an inverter on the output of our NAND gate schematic. DRC check was clean.

A computer screen shot of a diagram

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Next to create the layout of this AND gate. Again, take an inverter and plug it into the output of our NAND layout. Ensure it passes NCC and DRC.


A computer screen shot of a computer program

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Next using the icon of the AND gate, rename it to AND[0:7] to create an 8 bit and gate, wire up 8 different inputs with buses and name your outputs accordingly. Run a quick simulation to check logic.

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Now simply line the AND gate layouts in a line, connect the things that need connecting, export the pins and boom 8 bit adder. Make sure it clears NCC and DRC.

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Task 3: Design an 8-bit OR gate. (20 points)

Now that we’ve created an 8 bit AND gate we will do the same with an OR gate. First step is to create a single bit OR gate. This is done like before, by chucking an inverter on the output of our existing NOR gate schematic. Ensure it passes DRC and then run a quick simulation.

A computer screen shot of a diagram

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Now create the layout view of the OR gate. Import the inverter layout and hook up gnd, vdd and export the apropreate pins.

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Chain 8 of the OR gate layout together, connect vdd, gnd and use Metal 2 to get the export pins beyond the rails. Export all appropriate pins. Check NCC and DRC.

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Task 4: Design an 8-bit NAND gate. (20 points)

To build an 8 bit NAND gate, follow the exact same process as the previous 2 gates. Create a schematic for the NAND logic then create the layout from there. Ensure it passes DRC and NCC at this stage. Next chain 8 of these gates together, use metal 2 to get the export pins out of the rails, wire vdd and gnd together and run DRC and NCC. Tip: make sure the layout of the NAND gate passes NCC with the NAND gate before making it an 8 bit layout. This will save many headaches.

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Task 5: Design an 8-bit NOR gate. (10 points)

Same process as the previous 3 steps, but now with NOR logic. Use existing NOR gate to create 8 bit schematic, check NCC and DRC on the single NOR gate before combining and then combine into the 8 bit schematic. Connect vdd and gnd. Export appropriate pins. Run NCC and DRC.

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generatedA computer screen shot of a computer program

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