LAB 4: Traffic Lights

Noah Smith

The goal of this lab was to simulate the logic of a pair of traffic lights seen below:

A close-up of a traffic light

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I started this process by looking at the whole system and simplifying the truth table and deriving logic equations from it.  The truth table in the above diagram has several repeat states and I chose to simplify this from 7 states to 6 and map it to a state variable. This choice will be useful when creating the rush hour mode later. This is a 3 bit binary number seen on the left side of my truth table. I have it denoted as A B C for the 3 bits, this makes finding the logic equations “easier”. Below are the 6 logic equations for each Red, Yellow and Green light.


A close-up of a paper

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Now that we have the logic and truth table worked  out we need to code it in Verilog. As you can see in the code below I chose to use case statements to define the logic. I use a 3 bit State variable that counts up every 1 second to control the lights. The “Normal “ mode is the bottom case statement. After implementing an even cycle ignoring the 2 unused states I chose to modify the case statement and gave each green light 2 clock cycles instead of 1, because it made more sense, as this is closer to how traffic lights operate normally.


Rush Hour:

To implement rush hour mode I used one of the switches. If the switch is flipped then the code goes into the upper case statement. In this case statement I gave  1 greenlight cycle 3 clock cycles and the other one just 1. This makes the greenlight on the “busy” road stay on 3x longer. This is done simply by shuffling the spare states around.

A screenshot of a computer program

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Video demonstration is below. One light is on the left 3 LEDs and the other light is on the right 3 LEDs. The rush hour switch is switch[0]. I demonstrate both the normal and rush hour modes in the same video.