LAB 3 part 2

Noah Smith        

1.    Complete the task in Section 4. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video. (30 points)

To make the 7 segment counter from the last lab to only display 1 digit, simply change the binary value for an(anode). 1’s are off 0’s are on. In my code I changed it to 1011 which means the 2nd digit from the left will be on.

2. Show "FLC" on three of the display units. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video. (30 points)

To create the “FLC” displayed on the 7 segment display we use a similar code structure to the earlier running LED code. But this time we have a state variable the keep track of what letter to be displayed. It checks every 1000 clock cycles. The letters are programed in using binary inputs to the 7 segment an variable.

3. Roll "FLC" to the left for every half second. After "F" shifted out to the left, it should appear on the right hand side. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video. 
(40 points)

This is the code for just the “always” behavior loop in the Rolling FLC code. I decided to  add a reset switch into the code. This is in the outer most if statement. Then the scrolling display is handled with the “ann” variable. Next the code from displaying the FLC letters is pasted in. I forgot to put the “cnt2<=cnt2+1;” line at the end of the if statement, without this line it does not scroll cause the “cnt2” variable never triggers.

Demonstration video: