CE 351 Spring 2023
Lab 6 Photo PID
Mason Brady
Email: mrbrady1@fortlewis.edu
Photo PID

Introduction: Soldering Pulse Ox PCB
PCB Soldering

Methods: The PCB was soldered using the reflux hot plate. Flux was applied followed by a small amount of solder paste on each pad. The hot plate was brought to 150 degrees C and allowed to sit for 2 minutesbefore ramping to 220. After the board reached 220 the hot plate was turned off and the pcb was gently moved to the solder mat to cool(The hot plate takes ages to cool). The final board can be seen below:

I was unable to get the board to function properly, I think the chip was not getting programmed for some reason. Every component is receiving power and the pulse ox is outputting a signal so I think it is an atmega programming issue. I have had issues programming through RX and TX in the past.