CE 433 Embedded Devices

Lab7: LCD
Name: Lucien Verrone

Email: ljverrone@fortlewis.edu


This assignment was an introduction to using a LCD screen with the FPGA board. All LCD modules created in each task use the LCD driver module below.

Figure 1: LCD driver module.

Task 1:

Task one was implement the LCD program from the textbook, displaying different words depending on the switch enabled on the FPGA board.

Figure 2: Textbook LCD code.

Figure 3: Textbook LCD demonstration.

Task 2:

Task two was to modify the program from task one to display steady state words rather than having the LCD spell out each word. This was done simply by changing theclk_param value to be lower, making the transitions too fast to be seen.

Figure 4: Steady state LCD code.

Figure 5: Steady state LCD demonstration.

Task 3:

Task three was to modify the program from task two to display only "Hello!!", but coded using ASCII hex values rather than typing each letter out in the Verilog code.

Figure 6: Hello!! ASCII code.

Figure 7: Hello!! ASCII demonstration.


This assignment was good introduction to using a LCD module with the FPGA board. I had trouble with the pin definitions in the constraint file and implementing the pinouts correctly. The problem was that the constraint file defined JA[4:7] as physical ports JA 7-10. After getting help from Dr. Li and Noah, they identified the issue and the rest of the assignment didn't cause any issues.