CE 433 Embedded Devices

Lab6: VGA
Name: Lucien Verrone

Email: ljverrone@fortlewis.edu


This assignment was more experience using the VGA port and with timing. All VGA modules created in each task use the VGA top module below.

Figure 1: VGA top module.

Task 1:

Task one was to create a program that draws a green line on the screen between x = 32 to 35 and top to bottom.

Figure 2: Green line code.

Figure 3: Green line demonstration.

Task 2:

Task two was to modify the program from task one to add a red line on the screen between x = 600-605 and y = 200-250.

Figure 4: Green and red line code.

Figure 5: Green and red line demonstration.

Task 3:

Task three was to modify the program from task two to make the red line crawl across the screen, left to right, behind the green line. The red line should move at a speed of one pixel per half second or 2pixel/s.

Figure 6: Red line crawl code.

Figure 7: Red line crawl demonstration.

Task 4:

Task four was to modify the program from task three to make the red line bounce across the screen from the green line to x = 600. The red line should move at a speed of one pixel per 0.01s or 100pixel/s.

Figure 8: Red line bounce code.

Figure 9: Red line bounce demonstration.


This assignment was good experience using the FPGA board and VGA output. After homework six, I still didn't feel very confident using the VGA port. However after this lab I feel much more comfortable using the VGA port. I did run into an issue on the last problem where the red line would get stuck at either end, but other than that my programs did not require much debugging if any.