CE 433 Embedded Devices

Lab 1: Vivado, gvim installation and preparation
Name: Lucien Verrone
Email: ljverrone@fortlewis.edu


This lab was focused on installing and using vim, vivado, along with learning how to submit course work via yilectronics.com.

Task 1:

Task one was to create the index for coursework on yilectronics.com. For this I created an index page for any future classes/projects, and a seperate table index for CE 433 specifically. These were uploaded using FileZilla.
Image of embedded devices index page on yilectronics.com.
Figure 1: Image of embedded devices index page on yilectronics.com.

Task 2:

Task two was to practice Gvim. A YouTube video also needed to be embedded into my submission for this lab.

Figure 2: Demonstration of Gvim commands.

Task 3:

Task three was to install Vivado and include a screenshot of the user interface.
Vivado's UI with nothing going on.
Figure 3: Vivado's UI with nothing going on.


This lab allowed me to become familiar with gvim and the process of recording and submitting work for this class. Including images, formatting html files, and embedding videos are all things I am going to need throughout this course. Overall, I feel a lot more comfortable moving forward now that I know how to nevegate the FTP process and Gvim. Though the experience with Vivado in this lab is limited, the program seems pretty straight forward and I dont think I'll have much trouble picking it up like Gvim.