Lab 1 - Vivado, gvim installation and preparation

CE 433 Embedded Devices

2024 Spring
Name: Joel Nash


1. Test your web page on Create new links for CE433 if necessary. Refer to Taylor Nakai's website to see how these course reports were organized. (30 points)

(If you are here, Task 1 is complete)

2. Practice gvim. Prepare for a quiz (refer to the lecture's web page for the time of the quiz). Record a video of showing using all the commands above while you type in vim. Upload it to YouTube and insert the YouTube video to your Lab 1 report. (to show that you know how to write lab reports and how to insert videos) (30 points)

Video 1: This is a video that just shows me going through Gvim commands.

3. Install Vivado to your PC. You can also use Vivado on the lab computers. Make a snapshot of the user interface of Vivado and insert the figure in your Lab 1 report. (to show that your Vivado is ready to use) (40 points)

Figure 1: Snapshot of the Vivado user interface, to show installation.