Homework 7 - UART

CE 433 Embedded Devices

2024 Spring
Name: Joel Nash
Email: jxnash@gmail.com


1. In section 2 use the debounce module to create a counter. When the user press the button once, it shows a '1' on the seven segment display. If the user keep pushing the button, the display increments by 1 until 9 then it resets to 0.(25 points)

This task we are required to design a counter module using the debounce module, and displaying the numbers 0 - 9 on the seven segment displays. The Figures below show the different modules used in this task:

'count_0_to_9' - a module that takes in a button as an input and outputs a 4-bit number. When the button is pushed one is added to the current sum. If the sum equals 9 already when the button is pushed, then the sum gets set to 0, to cycle 0 - 9.

'sev_seg_dis' - a module that takes in 4-bit number and does a case function on that input to set the 7-bit output for the seven segment display.

'debounce_0' - a module that takes an button input and then debounces the button. the debounced button then becomes the outputs, smoothing the transition between the changes in the logic.

'button_counter_SSD_TOP' - is the top module that uses the sub-modules, and wires them together to make the counter, this is used to program the board.

Figure 1 The counter module that takes a button input, adds one to the sum or sets sum to 0, when the sum equals 9, and outputs the 4-bit binary number of the sum.

Figure 2 The seven segment display module, taking in a 4-bit binary number and output a 7-bit binary number to turn on the correlating lights on the seven segment display.

Figure 3 The debounce module that debounces a button input and outputting the debounce value.

Figure 4 The top module with the sub-modules, wires, and items that will be programed on the board.

2. Repeat the UART transmitter in Section 2 to show letters/symbols in the serial monitor. (25 points)

In this task, we were tasked to implement a transmitter. Within this the top module will send an ASCII number to the serial monitor on the laptop. The Figures below show the different modules used in this task:

'debounce' - a module that takes an button input and then debounces the button. the debounced button then becomes the outputs, smoothing the transition between the changes in the logic.

'uart_tx_crtl' - a module that prep that data to be transmitted, using different states, 'RDY', 'LOAD_BIT', 'SEND_BIT', to transmit bytes of information at a time.

'uart_tx_top' - The top module for transmitting ASCII numbers to a serial monitor. So when the button is pushed the ASCII value will increase by one, this change will tracked on the serial monitor.

Figure 5 The debounce module for debouncing the button used for transmitting the ASCII numbers.

Figure 6 The transmitting module the preps the data (ASCII numbers), using different states, when the data in ready loaded and sent to send the bytes of information.

Figure 7 The top module that is the transmits the information from the board to the serial monitor. In this module the initial ASCII number is set to 'A' and then the ASCII number is sent to the serial monitor on the laptop.

Figure 8 This is the serial monitor showing the results of transmitting the ASCII numbers from the board to the serial monitor.

3. Repeat the work in Section 3. (25 points)

In this task, we were tasked to implement a receiver. Within this the top module will receive an ASCII number from the serial monitor on the laptop and display to the LEDs on the board. The board will display different things on the LEDs, count, error bit, parity bit, and the ASCII binary number. The Figures below show the different modules used in this task:

'debounce' - A module that takes an button input and then debounces the button. The debounced button then becomes the outputs, smoothing the transition between the changes in the logic.

'uart_rx_crtl' - A module that prep the data when received, using different states, 'RDY' (says the bit is ready, checked, and received), 'START' (checks the timer and starts the timer in the middle of data for sampling), 'WAIT'(waits for the timer to equal the end of the data), 'RECEIVE' , 'CHECK' (parity bit checker that sets or clears the 8Th LED) , when receiving data from the serial monitor.

'uart_rx_top' - The top module for receiving ASCII numbers from a serial monitor. So when a character is typed into the serial monitor the ASCII value is received on the board and displayed on the LEDs, while also displaying the count of characters received, the error bit, and the parity bit.

Figure 9 The receiving data module, that takes in the data from the serial monitor.

Figure 10 The top module that connects the serial monitor to the board, and the LEDs to different outputs, count, error bit,parity bit, and the ASCII number.

4. Show the numbers you typed in the serial monitor on one seven segment display unit (less than 10). (25 points)

In this task, we were tasked to implement a transmitter and display the numbers typed in the serial monitor on one of the seven segment display unit (less than 10). The Figure below show the module used in this task (uses the same modules as the task above, but changes are shown in this figure):

'uart_rx_top_dis' - The top module, this is the same as uart_tx_top just with the added changes to display the numbers (0-9)  typed into the serial monitor onto one of the seven segment displays on the board.

Figure 11 The top receiving module that has the added seven segment display to display the numbers typed in the serial monitor.