Homework 6 - Video Graphics Array (VGA)

CE 433 Embedded Devices

2024 Spring
Name: Joel Nash
Email: jxnash@gmail.com


Task 1: Repeat the work in Section 2. Show the code, explanation, and a demo video. (20 points).

Section 2 is typing up the VGA module and the Top module in vivado. Then also create a clock generator module using the IP Catalog at a frequency of 25MHz, and create a distributed ROM to store the image file. We were then able to display the image onto a monitor using the BASYS3 board and VGA cord.

Figure 1: Vivado code for the VGA module. working with the VGA through the different horizontal values (HDISP: horizontal display, HFP: horizontal front porch, HPW: (aka horizontal back porch), and HLIM: horizontal limit) and vertical values (VDISP: vertical display, VFP: vertical front porch, VPW: (aka vertical back porch), and VLIM: vertical limit)

Figure 2: Vivado code of the VGA top module, setting the display limits (sx, sy), using different modules, the clock module, memory storing the image file, and the VGA module.

Task 2: Replace the clock generator IP with a self-made clock divider module that generates 25MHz clock. Demonstrate that it works for the rest of the circuit.Show the code, explanation, and a demo video. (20 points).

In this task, we took the code from task 1, and replacing the IP clock generator of 25MHz with a self-made clock divider module that still works with the code.

Figure 3: Vivado code of a clock divider, that divides a clock by 4. (100MHz -> 25MHz).

Figure 4: The Top Module VGA that has the self-made clock divider implemented.

Task 3: Complete the two examples in Section 3. Show the code, explanation, and a demo video. (60 points).

In section 3 we modified the code to display a blank white background on the monitor, by using all four bits for each color, changing the all to 4'b1111. then the second half of the task, we are switching between three solid colors, red, green, blue, at one second intervals.

Figure 5: VGA vivado code with the changing the output to the monitor to display a blank white screen by setting the RGB values to 4'b1111.

Figure 6: VGA module code that changes the output to the monitor to display three different colors, red, green, blue, iterating through them at one second intervals.