Homework 4 - Data Storage Units

CE 433 Embedded Devices

2024 Spring
Name: Joel Nash
Email: jxnash@gmail.com


1. Repeat the simulation in Sections 1 - 3. (20 points)

Section 1: SR latch / flip flop

Figure 1: Vivado code of the SR latch.

Figure 2: Simulation of the SR latch.

Figure 3: Vivado code for a SR control Latch.

Figure 4: Simulation of the SR control latch.

Section 2: D latch / flip flop level triggered

Figure 5: Vivado code of a D latch, and the code for the D latch test-bench.

Figure 6: Simulation of the D latch, demonstrates the logic of changing the inputs 'd' and 'c', and how the input input 'c' sets the outputs 'q' and 'qn' to 'd' and '~d' respectfully.

Section 3: D flip flop edge triggered

Figure 7: Vivado code for the D flip flop and the test-bench for the D flip flop. With this you can see that we still use the D latch logic while introducing the clock into the mix.

Figure 8: Simulation of the D flip flop, showing the results from the test-bench. How the inputs 'd', 'clr' and 'clk', effect the outputs 'q' and 'qn'.

2. Build a debounce circuit on a breadboard using a push-button, a passive low-pass filter, and a schmitt trigger IC chip (20 points).

Figure 9: This is a Debounce circuit built on a breadboard, with a push button.

Figure 10: Oscilloscope of the debounce circuit.

3. Write the test-benches and run simulations for Section 4 and Section 5. (20 points)

Section 4: JK Flip-Flop

Figure 11: Vivado code (in vim) of the JK Flip-Flop and the corresponding test-bench. This has 'j', 'k' and the clock as inputs, 'q', 'qn' as outputs. there are four different types of logical outputs: '1', '0', no-change, and toggle. In this the inputs are being changed to show this logic.

Figure 12: Simulation of the JK Flip-Flop.

Section 5: T Flip-Flop

Figure 13: Vivado code of the T Flip-Flop, and it's test-bench. The T Flip-Flop is similar to the JK Flip-Flop, but only uses the toggle function of the JK Flip-Flop.

Figure 14: Simulation of the T Flip-Flop.

4. Repeat all the work in Section 8 and complete the task described in the end of Section 8. (40 points)

In this task we are reading information from a memory file, and using locations just for that, using Read Only Memory (ROM). We demonstrate reading in different types of information, and sometimes manipulating them into a different formats: 8-bit to 8-bit, hex to hex, hex to binary, 3-bit to 3bit. Finally we extract data from the ROM IP core.

Section 8: Rom Memory

Figure 15: Vivado code for reading memory from a file, reading a 8-bit binary number and outputting a 8bit binary number to data.

Figure 16: Vivado code of the ROM test-bench.

Figure 17: Simulation of the ROM test-bench reading the information from the memory file.

Section 8:Rom Hex

Figure 18: Vivado code for reading memory from the memory file, reading a 4-digit hex number and outputting a 16bit binary number to data.

Figure 19: Vivado code of the test-bench from reading 4 hex to 16bit.

Figure 20: Simulation of the (4-hex to 16bit) ROM test-bench reading the information from the memory file.

Section 8:Rom 2hex(8bit) to binary(8bit)

Figure 21: Vivado code for reading memory from the memory file, reading a 2-digit hex number and outputting a 8bit binary number to data.

Figure 22: Vivado code of the test-bench from reading 2 hex numbers to 8bit binary number.

Figure 23: Simulation of the (2 hex numbers to 8bit binary number) ROM test-bench reading the information from the memory file.

Section 8:Rom 3-bit binary

Figure 24: Vivado code for reading memory from the memory file, reading a 2-digit hex number and outputting a 8bit binary number to data.

Figure 25: Vivado code of the test-bench from reading 2 hex numbers to 16bit binary number.

Figure 26: Simulation of the (2 hex numbers to 16bit binary number) ROM test-bench reading the information from the memory file.

Section 8:Rom IP

Figure 27: Vivado code for extracting data from the ROM IP core.

Figure 28: Simulation of the extracting data from the ROM IP core.