Homework 3 - Combinational Logic Blocks

CE 433 Embedded Devices

2024 Spring
Name: Joel Nash
Email: jxnash@gmail.com


1. Repeat the simulation of Half Adder and Full Adder in Section 1. Show the code, code explanations, and simulation results in your report. (10 points)

Figure 1: One bit half adder code. Changing the inputs every 100 np to demonstrate adding and carry function.

Figure 2: One bit half adder simulation, showing the adding of 'x' and 'y' and the output 's' and 'co'.

Figure 3: One bit full adder.

Figure 4: One bit full adder simulation, showing the function of the inputs and the outputs.

2. Design the testbench for the comparator in Section 2. Show the code, code explanations, and simulation results in your report. (10 points)

Figure 5: One bit comparator code, changing the inputs 'x', 'y' to demonstrate how the comparator works with the outputs 'g' (greater than), 'e' (equal to), and 'l' (less than).

Figure 6: One bit comparator simulation demonstrating the comparator.

3. Design the testbench for the 4-bit comparator in Section 3. Show the code, code explanations, and simulation results in your report. (10 points)

Figure 7: part 1 of four bit comparator showing the logic for the comparator.

Figure 8: part 2 of four bit comparator showing the test bench and the changing of the inputs 'x', 'y'.

Figure 9: Four bit comparator demonstrating the relationship between the inputs and the outputs, showing if 'x' is greater (g), equal (e), or less than (l) 'y'.

4. Implement a 2-bit comparator on the Basys 3 board. Use sw as inputs and led as outputs. Show the code, code explanations, and an embedded Youtube video demonstration in your report. (10 points)

Figure 10: Two bit comparator code for implementing onto the Basys 3 board.

5. In Section 4, design the testbench for the decoder and verify the logic in simulation (use the Dataflow modeling method). Show the code, code explanations, and simulation results in your report. (10 points)

Figure 11: Two to four decoder, using the data flow modeling to demonstrate the two to four decoder logic.

Figure 12: Two to four decoder simulation showing the results of the code above.

6. In Section 5, for the 8x3 priority encoder, find Q2 and Q1, build the module and verify the logic using simulations. Show the code, code explanations, and simulation results in your report. (10 points)

Figure 13: 8x3 priority encoder, showing the setup for the encoder and using the 'x' (don't care symbol) to insure that there is now confusion.

Figure 14: 8x3 priority encoder test bench, setting the initial input 'x' to different values to demonstrate the encoder and the use of 'x' to not confuse the logic.

Figure 15: 8x3 priority encoder simulation showing the results from the test bench logic.

7. Derive the logic expression of a 4-1 multiplexer. Show the process on a paper, insert it as an image into your report. (10 points)

Figure 16: the logical expression of a 4-1 Multiplexer, showing the logic gate and truth table and resulting logic.

8. In Section 6, implement a 4-1 multiplexer on your Basys 3 board. Show the code, code explanations, and an embedded Youtube video demonstration in your report. (10 points)

Figure 17: 4-1 Multiplexer code setup for implementing onto the Basys's 3 board using switches and leds, while setting the input value to '1010' to show the mux logic.

9. Design/verify an even parity generator and checker in simulation respectively. Implement an even parity checker on your Basys 3 board - use sw as inputs, use leds as output indicators. Show the code, code explanations, and an embedded Youtube video demonstration in your report. (10 points)

Figure 18: Even parity generator code, with the logic taking in values from 'x' and then using the output p to make 'x' even.

Figure 19: Even parity generator simulation of the working even generator with no modifications.

Figure 20: Even parity checker test bench code, that changes the input 'x' to show the result of the checker logic.

Figure 21: Even parity checker test bench simulation, showing that the logic is working as there is no changing the output 'c'.

Figure 22: Even parity checker test bench code, with a slight modification of just setting the input 'p' to 1, to show the checker when there is an error.

Figure 23: Modified even parity checker simulation showing the results of the set 'p' input and the working checker logic.

Figure 24: Even parity checker that will be implemented onto the Basys board.

10. Implement the design in Section 8 and Section 9 on your Basys 3 board. Show embedded Youtube video demonstration on your report. Show the code, code explanations, and an embedded Youtube video demonstration in your report. (10 points)

Figure 25: Code for the 7 segment decoder (takes 3-bit input and outputs 7-bit number for the display), and the home alarm logic.

Figure 26: Home alarm code that sets the input switches and outputs, leds and the 7-segment/analog display.

Figure 27: Code for the 7-segment analog display, and car park counter.

Figure 28: Car park code to set input switches and output leds, and 7-segment analog display.