QUIZ 3 - Push button counter

CE 433 Embedded Devices

2024 Spring
Name: Joel Nash
Email: jxnash@gmail.com

Figure 1: This vivado code is the debounce function, that takes an input an then changes the output to the opposite logic. In this case the input is a button, and at every positive edge of the clock cycle, if the button does not equal xnew, count is set to 0, and xnew set to the value of the button. If they are equal then btn_clr is set to xnew, and the then count is incremented.

Figure 2: This vivado code is the start function, that just takes an input (the btn_clr output from the debounce function) and then as that the input changes the logic is checked, if input = 1, then the variable 'start' is permanently to 1.

Figure 3: This vivado code is just for the Seven Segment Display. Taking in a 4-bit input that then is decoded into 7-bit binary numbers that represent the 'G to A' LEDs on the digital displays.

Figure 4: This vivado code is the counter function that outputs the 4-bit binary number that is used for the seven segment display. The code uses the positive edge of the clock cycles to iterate through 0-9 on the display, using a delay of half a second between numbers. The count, sev_seg, and the output g_to_a are all reset to 0 when the sev_seg = 10, and or if the right button(rst output from another debounce function) is pressed.

Figure 5: This is the final vivado code, The Top module /Testbench. This piece of code brings together all the another functions, linking them together with wires.

Figure 6: This is a visual representation of the top most module, and how they all work together.

Video 1: In this video I demonstrate counting from 0 to 9. First I show that none of the other buttons effect the display until the center button is pressed, and then the count starts. Going from 0 to 9 and then repeating when it reaches 10 or when the right button is pressed.