Lab 4 - Combinational Logic Blocks

CE 433 Embedded Devices

2024 Spring
Name: Joel Nash


Task 1: Think about how many states the two-way traffic lights may have for each cycle. The green light on one side turns yellow and then turns red before the other light changes to green from red.

Draw the truth table for all the states in one cycle of the traffic light change. Simplify the logic equations for each light using the K map. Design the Verilog model and the test-bench, show the simulation results in Vivado. Use 6 leds on your Basys 3 board to implement the design. Show the demo video for credits. (50 points)

Figure 1: Truth table of all the states of the traffic lights, and then the resulting logic equations for each light (Green 1, Yellow 1, Red 1, Green 2, Yellow 2, Red 2).

Figure 2: K-Map of the traffic lights and the resulting simplified logic equations.

Figure 3: Verilog module code with the logic equations for the traffic lights, and the test-bench with a changing input to demonstrate the logic and the changing of the lights.

Figure 4: The resulting simulation of the traffic light module, showing the changing of the lights.

Figure 5: Vivado code for implementing the changing logic of the lights onto the board using the LEDs as the outputs, changing the state of the lights every one second.

Figure 6: The top module of the traffic light module, to program the board.

Task 2: While the first problem cycles through all states with the same duration, during rush hours, the busy road has a longer duration for the green light than the red light. Use a switch to trigger the rush hour mode, which keeps one of the green lights ON for double the duration compared to the other road. Show the code, code explanation, and demo video in your report. ( 50 points)

Figure 7: Module code for the "Rush Traffic Mode" for the changing light logic. This takes the module from earlier, and implementing a rush mode that makes one traffic light last twice as long when a switch is turned on.

Figure 8: The TOP module of the "Rush Traffic Mode", to set the switch and LEDs.