Lab 3 - Seven-Segment Display on an FPGA (2-week lab)

CE 433 Embedded Devices

2024 Spring
Name: Joel Nash

WEEK 1 Tasks:

Task 1: Complete the tasks in Sections 1. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video. (20 points)

Using Verilog and Vivado to demonstrate the following combinational logic blocks in both simulation and on the board (switches/leds): 1. Inverter, 2. 2-bit full adder, 3. 8-input AND, 4. 4-1 MUX.


Figure 1: Vivado code for the inverter function. taking in an input and then outputting the inverted logic. 

Figure 2: Vivado code for the inverter test bench. This is using the inverter code and inputting a variable that changes every 10ns to demonstrate the logic of the inverter.

Figure 3: Simulation results for the inverter test bench, showing the logic of the input 'in1' and the inverted output 'out1'.

Figure 4: Vivado code to program the inverter code onto the FPGA board. Using switches as inputs and outputting to LEDs.

2-bit full adder:

Figure 5: Vivado code for the 2-bit full adder. This code uses the logic of two half adders and puts them together to make the 2-bit full adder.

Figure 6: Vivado code of the 2-bit full adder test bench. Using two inputs and increment them at different intervals to demonstrate the 2-bit full adder logic in the resulting simulation.

Figure 7: Simulation of the 2-bit full adder showing the adding of the inputs 'in0' and 'in1' and the resulting output 'out1' logic.

Figure 8: Vivado code to program the 2-bit full adder onto the FPGA board, using the switches and LEDs as inputs and outputs.

8-input AND: 

Figure 9: Vivado code for an 8 input AND gate, taking in eight different inputs and outputting the AND logic of all eight inputs.

Figure 10: Vivado code of the 8-input AND gate test bench, taking in a 8-bit input and using the AND logic on the individual bits to demonstrate the logic.

Figure 11: Simulation of the 8-input AND gate. With the 8-bit binary number being quite large, this snapshot just shows the logic right before the output equals 1.

Figure 12: Vivado code to program the FPGA board with the 8-input AND gate logic, using switches and LEDs as input and outputs.

4-1 MUX:

Figure 13: Vivado code for a four to one multiplexer (aka MUX). This takes in two sets of inputs 's' and 'd', depending on what state the input 's' is in, the output will change to the corresponding 'd', making the output 'y' equals a specific 'd'. 

Figure 14: Vivado code of the four to one MUX test bench to demonstrate the MUX logic. With this code the two input change at different rates to show the logic working, for every time the input 'd' is incremented, the input 's' goes through a full cycle.

Figure 15: Simulation of the four to one MUX, showing the results from the test bench, with the inputs 's', and 'd', and the resulting logic output 'out1'.

Figure 16: Vivado code to program the FPGA board with the four to one MUX logic, using the switches and LEDs as inputs and outputs.

Task 2: Complete the tasks in Section 2. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video. (20 points)

Using Verilog and Vivado to design a 'Running LED' program on the FPGA board. Use 4 LEDs on the board, turn on each of them for 1 second one-by-one. Make sure you have a 'reset' function to reset the LEDs to the original state.

Figure 17: Vivado code for a Running LED program. With this code we take two inputs, the clock (clk) and the restart (rst) and output to four LEDs. Using the clock to change which LED is on every one second, alternating them down the line and then starting back at the start when it reaches the end.

Figure 18: Vivado code to program the FPGA board with the Running LED program, using the LEDs to 'run' the light, and a single switch to restart the running LED.

Task 3: Similar to the example in Section 2, show running LEDs on all 16 LEDs. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video. (20 points)

Figure 19: Vivado code for Running LED using all 16 LEDs.

Figure 20: Vivado code for programing the FPGA board with the 16 LED Running LED program.

Task 4: Similar to the example in Section 2, change the frequency of the 4 running LEDs to half second and demonstrate it in an embedded video. (20 points)

Figure 21: Vivado code for Running LED at half a second instead of a full second. This uses the same Vivado as the first one Running LED program just at half the time.

Task 5: Complete the task in Section 3. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video. (20 points)

Interface the switches with the 7-segment display on the board.

Figure 22: Vivado code for the seven segment display decoder, taking in a 4-bit input and outputting the 7-bit number that corresponds with the given input.

Figure 23: Vivado code to program the FPGA board to display onto the seven segment displays on the board. Taking in four switches as inputs and outputting the binary number from the switches to the seven segment displays.

WEEK 2 Tasks:

Task 1: Complete the task in Section 4. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video. (30 points)

Modify the code, disable any 3 of the 7-segment displays and only show the number on one of the displays.

Figure 25: Vivado code to display the input from the switches and outputting them onto one of seven segment displays.

Task 2: Show "FLC" on three of the display units. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video. (30 points)

Figure 25: Vivado code to display 'FLC' onto the seven segment displays.

Task3: Roll "FLC" to the left for every half second. After "F" shifted out to the left, it should appear on the right hand side. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video. (40 points)

Figure 26: Vivado code to display 'FLC' onto the display, and having that 'roll' across the displays.