Lab 2 - Introduction to FPGA

CE 433 Embedded Devices

2024 Spring
Name: Joel Nash


1. Go through all the steps in this lab instruction, report your code, simulation results, and the on-board verification results. (30 points)

(on-board verification results will be in task 3)

    Going through this task, we had to code different kinds of gates (AND, OR, XOR) in vivado. you can see the code for the gate below. We then simulate the gates by having an output, 'Y', that was dependent on the inputs, 'a' and 'b', by changing the values of the inputs between 1 and 0 every nanosecond as is shown for each logic gate below, we can see how the output is effected or changes.

    Then the later section of the lab, now that we have coded and simulated the gates correctly, we then had to take the code of the different gates and setup the file to program the FPGA, by setting the inputs to be switches, and the output to a LED. You can see the setup code for each gate below.

Figure 1: AND gate vivado code, showing the logic and the test bench code.

Figure 2: The simulation of the AND gate, showing how the output 'Y' is affected by the changes of 'a' and 'b'.
Figure 3: The FPGA setup code for the XOR gate showing the input switches and the output LED.

2. Use the same procedure to create  XOR and OR gates. Run simulations to verify the logic. (30 points)

    This is the same as task 1, but are implemented for logic gates OR and XOR. The same simulations to show the relationship between the inputs, 'a' and 'b', and the output, 'Y'. There are also figures showing the setup code to program the FPGA that can be seen below.

Figure 4: The vivado code for the OR gate, changing the inputs after 10 NS.

Figure 5: The OR gate simulation, showing the relationship between 'Y' and the inputs 'a' and 'b' using the OR logic.

Figure 6: The FPGA setup code for the OR gate showing the input switches and the output LED.

Figure 7: The vivado code showing the XOR logic changing the inputs every 10 NS.

Figure 8: The XOR simulation showing the relationship between 'Y' and the inputs 'a' and 'b' using the XOR logic.

Figure 9: The FPGA setup code for the XOR gate showing the input switches and the output LED.

3. Use both the volatile and nonvolatile methods (QSPI) to program your FPGA. Show videos for the demonstrations. (40 points)

    For this task we needed to show the use of both the volatile and non-volatile methods to program the FPGA, this also demonstrates the on-boarding verification from task 1, and what the results are for using either method. The volatile method showing that the FPGA can be programed but once the power is turned off, the program does not stay programed on the FPGA. Whereas the non-volatile method shows the the program stays on the FPGA even when the power turns off.

Video 1: Demonstrating a non-volatile AND gate

Video 2: Demonstrating a volatile AND gate

Video 3: Demonstrating a non-volatile OR gate

Video 4: Demonstrating a volatile OR gate

Video 5: Demonstrating a non-volatile XOR gate

Video 6: Demonstrating a volatile XOR gate