ENGR 433 -  Lab X 2024 Spring

Name: Ian Van Horn
Email: imvanhorn1@gmail.com
Lab 8 The Picoblaze Softcore

Task 1: Square Problem on SSD (30 points).

Figure 1-1: Edits made from textbook

Video 1-1: Demo

Task 2: Square Problem on SSD (20 points).

Figure 2-1: Case statment for LEDs
My first thought was to try to grab the binary values before they got converted to the SSD pattern. However, that seems to be done in the actual PicoBlaze processor. Instead a case statment is used to back-convert the SSD to binary. This is nested in the always statment where the SSD is written

Video 2-1: Demo with LEDs

Task 3: Square Problem on LCD (50 points).

Figure 3-1: Change to LCD code

Figure 3-2: Sample of part of the case statment

The majority of the lcd code was copied over from the textbook module. To display the numbers on the LCD as case statment decodes the SSD format binary number into hex, similar to the LED. The case statment is long and is repeated for each bit so they are minimized in Figure 3-1 and a snippet is shown in Figure 3-2.

Video 3-1: Demo with LCD

Conclusion: Working thorugh the textbook to baysys 3 conversion was a little confusing. The LCD incorperation went suprisingly well