ENGR 433 -  Lab X 2024 Spring

Name: Ian Van Horn
Email: imvanhorn1@gmail.com
Lab 7 BAYSYS 3 with LCD driver

This lab uses the BAYSYS 3 to controal an LCD

This lab requires VIVADO

Task 1: Repeat textbook (40 points).

Figure 1-1: Modifications Made to Textbook code

Raher than data_out the PMOD header JA was used. For en and rs two pins in JB were used. btnC is used for reset.

Video 1-1: FPGA display from textbook

Task 2: Steady Display (30 points).

Figure 2-1:Steady display code modifications
The clk_param is lowered signifigantly so the letters can display very fast

Video 2-1: Steady Display Demo

Task 3: ASCII Display (30 points).

Figure 3-1: ASCII numbers for Hello!!

Video 3-1: ASCII Demo

Conclusion:The textbook modifications were difficult and took a long time to understand. Once the bitstream generated the tasks were fairly straightforward. The wiring was also a little confusing