ENGR 433 -  Lab 5 2024 Spring

Name: Ian Van Horn
Email: imvanhorn1@gmail.com
Lab 5 3 bit 2's compliment adder/subtractor

This lab uses more complex logic and clocked combinational blocks incorperated with an SSD

This lab requires Vivado

Task 1: Use switches as binary inputs and LEDs to dispaly outputs. (30 points).

Figure 1-1: Module for 3 bit 2's complment adder and subtractor

Switches 6,5,4 are the input of the first number,3,2,1 are the second. The right most switch controls the mode (add or subtract). When toggled one of the numbers is switched to it's twos compliment then the two are added. This is functionally subtraction. As shown in the tutorial, the MSB of the output sum is either c2 if c2^c1 is one. If c2^c1 is low than s2 is copied to the MSB. The testbench for this module is not shown as it is virtually the same as Figure 2-2. Its worth noting that one of the inputs must be written to a temporary regester so it can be xor'ed is the mode is subtract.

Video 1-1: Demo of 2's compliment 3 bit adder/subtractor with LED's as outputs

Task 2: Use ssd to display result
(30 points).

Figure 2-1: SSD module to display output for adder/subtractor

This module is similar to other labs. If the MSB of the final sum from the module shown if Figure 1-1 is 0, the result is positive and the number is simply shown on one of the SSD panels. If the MSB is one the number is negitive. Now two panels must be switched between quickly to show both a digit and negitive sign. Because vivado interprates numbers not as their twos compliment, the case statment for negitive numbers is modified. When placing the case statment inside the if statment to display the digit, an unexpected error occured where the number was never written to the ssd. For a less neat but functional solution, a temp variable was used to store the value of every result interprited as 2's compliment rather than just the negitive results. The ssd is assigned the temp variable only when the number is negitive.

Figure 2-2: Testbench for SSD adder and subtractor

The output from the adder/subtractor module is is connected to the ssd. To modify this testbench for section one simply connect sum to led instead of a wire.

Video 2-1: SSD display added to 2 bit adder/subtractor

Task 3: Use SIPO to input data with switch as a clock (30 points).

Figure 3-1: SIPO added module
This code is the same as the previously uploaded quiz.

Figure 3-1: SIPO updated testbench

This task was, unexpectidly, extreamly difficult. The poor quality of the switches on the BAYSYS 3 board created large error in the clock signals that was difficult to troubleshoot even with debouncing. After a lot of troubleshooting I was able to pinpoint 2, maybe 3 issues. One issue is that after a switch, the signal would bounce for a very long time. Oftern upwaerds of a second of sharp bouncing signal. Once pinpointed this was fixed by adjusting the debounce module to delay one second. Another issue was the clock signal would trigger before even touching the switch (I have no idea how this is even possable but it is shown in Video 3-1). This was partially fixed by moving the clock switch to the other side of the board as the SI switch. The circut still was not working properly and would occasionally read in all serial values at once. The only issue I could think is that the rising edge from the switch is not sharp enough to only trigger the always @(posedge clk) statment once. I have no idea if this makes sense but it would explain it. Despite these issues, with the previously mentioned fixes implimented the board would work as intendend most of the time, a demonstration confirming the logic is shown in Video 3-2.

Video 3-1: Demonstration of glitching effect with switch
The counter variable for the SIPO module was tied to LED's 10 and 11. You can see the counter is getting randomly changed without any flip of the switch. This was with Dr.Li's code. The clock signal was also tied to the leftmost LED and is also randomly updated.

Video 3-2: Demo of working 3 bit 2's compliment adder with SIPO and SSD

Conclusion: Using a switch as a clock signal created a lot of issues, but provided good troubleshooting experience