ENGR 433 -  HW 4 2024 Spring

Name: Ian Van Horn
Email: imvanhorn1@gmail.com
HW 4

This assignment introduces memory

This lab requires vivado

Task 1: Section 1-3 Simulations. (20 points).

Figure 1-1: SR latch code and testbench in Gvim

SR latches have a set and reset functionality and a memory state. When set is 1 q is 1 and qn is 0. When reset is 1 q is 0 and qn is 1. When r and s are both 0, an q is the previous value of q and qn is the previous value of qn. The set and reset logic is done with an if/else if statment in this code.

Figure 1-2: SR latch simulation
This simulation does not show a memory state as it was generated the same way as the simulation on the website.

Figure 1-3: SR flip flop code in Gvim

This is a clocked SR latch. Set and reset are only read by the latch when the level of the clock is 1. Otherwise, the latch is in a memory state. This is because each input is anded with the clock then passed to S and R. When clock is 0, the and gates produce a 0 which is a memory state. When the clock is 1, the and gated produce whatever S and R are.

Figure 1-4: SR flip flop simulation

Figure 1-5: D Latch code in Gvim
This is similar to the SR ff, but there is only 1 input (data). The data is passed to q when the clock is 1. Otherwise, the sr latch is in a meory state. The input is passed to an and gate and anded with the clock and another gate takes the compliment of the and gate and the clock. Form there the logic is the same as the SR flip flop

Figure 1-6: D Latch simulation results

Figure 1-7: D flip flop- edge triggered code in Gvim
Where a D latch passes input data to Q when clk is 1, an edge triggered DFF passes it when the clock has an edge, in this case a rising edge. This DFF also has a clear function. When clr has a falling edge q is reset.

Figure 1-8: Edge triggered DFF simulation

Task 2: Debounce circut with Schmitt trigger (20 points).

Figure 2-1: Button press signal before and after debounce circut, probed at node 1 on the circut diagram (Before capacator)

The input from the button is shown on the yellow ocilliscope line. The output in the blue. The Schmitt trigger provides a sharp edge on the output.

Figure 2-2: Circut probed at node 2, after RC filter

Before the schmitt trigger, the signal is filtered. The yellow signal is the filtered button input. The sharp noise and corners found in Figure 2.1 are gone.

Task 3: Section 4&5 Simulations. (20 points).

Figure 3-1: Edge triggered JKFF code in Gvim
This circut emulates an sr latch but eliminates the unused state. This is accomplished by using a DFF as well as or and and logic.

Figure 3-2: JKFF simulation

Figure 3-2: TFF code in Gvim
A TFF is created by shorting both inputs of the JKFF to logic 1. When the input is at logic 1 the output of the TFF toggels, when at 0 it does not change

Figure 3-2: TFF simulation

Task 4: Work from section 8 (ROM) (40 points).

Memory is constructed from registers which are constructed from flip flops. To find the data there is a address bus. To read and write data there is a data bus.

Figure 4-1: ROM module and testbench for reading 8 bit binary numbers

The address provides the location of a stored value, it needs to be scaled with the depth of the memory. Data holds the calue read form the memory file. $readmem is subscripted with a H or a B to to indicate hex or binary.

Figure 4-2:  Memory file to be read

Figure 4-2: Binary ROM simulation

Figure 4-4: ROM code modified for 4 digit hex numbers
The length of "data" is doubled as 4 hed digits are 16 bits

Figure 4-5: 4 digit hex digits in memory file

Figure 4-6: Simulation results for hex ROM

Figure 4-7: ROM code for 8 bit hex (2 digit)
Now the address is 8 bits becaus ethe data is 8 hex numbers.

Figure 4-8: Memory file with 8 bit hex numbers

Figure 4-9: 8 bit hex ROM simulation

Figure 4-10: ROM code for 3 bit binary numbers

Data is changed to 3 bits for 3 binary numbers

Figure 2-11: Memory file with 3 bit binary numbers

Figure 4-12: ROM simulation with 3 bit binary numbers

Figure 4-13: Testbench for IP block
The rising edge of clk sends an address, hence data is extraceted on a rising clock edge

Figure 4-14: IP block simulation

Conclusion: This homework introduced logical memory blocks and ROM