ENGR 433 -  HW 10 2024 Spring

Name: Ian Van Horn
Email: imvanhorn1@gmail.com

This assignment requires Vivado and the Pmod ALS sensor

Task 1: Light sensor. (100 points).

Figure 1: Changes to constraints file
Code is found in the textbook

Module description:
SPI leader reciever module:
    This module configures the FPGA to approptiatly read in data from a slave transmitter. miso is the serial input of data. data is the output for tecieved data. sck is the clock signal sent to the slave. ss is slave select, it tells the slave to transmit.get busy and ready help         determine when data reading should be done, and communicate when it is being done
    This module converts the binary data so it is easier to display in decimal on the LCD. Binary is base 2 and dec is base 10, so the binary needs to be changed into sections of ones, tens, huns, and thous. To do theis division and the modolus operator are used.
Decoder 7 seg:
    This module decodes the BCD output to the format for display on the 7 segment with a case statment.
    This module cycles between dislpaying the numbers in the different orders of magnitude positions (ones, tens, huns, thous) so fast it appears all are displayed at once.
    This module connects all the previous modules and triggers "get" to tell the SPI leader follower when to get data.

Video 1: ALS Sensor

Conclusion: At first I didnt realize the code was in the textbook so I was trying to write all the modules by my self. I failed. I did get a better understanding of SPI though.