ENGR 338 -  Lab 6 2023 Fall

Name: Ian Van Horn
Email: imvanhorn1@gmail.com
Lab 6 Build a NAND, NOR, XOR, and Full Adder

This lab provides extensive practice with the layout of transistors

This lab requires the Eletric VLSI software

Task 1: Create the schematic and layout of the NAND gate. (15 points)

Figure 1: Error free schematic of NAND

Figure 2. NAND error free layout

Figure 3: Error free NAND simulation schematic and SPICE code

Figure 4: NAND simulaton in spice

Task 2: Create the schematic and layout of the NOR gate. (15 points)

Figure 5: Error free schematic of NOR gate

Figure 6: Error free layout of NOR

Figure 7: Error free schematic and spice code for NOR

Figure 8: NOR SPICE simulation

Task 3: Design, simulate, and layout XOR gate. (30 points)

Figure 9: Error free XOR schematic

Figure 10: Error free XOR layout

Figure 11: Error free XOR simulation schematic and spice code

Figure 12: XOR spice sim

Figure 13: XOR spice simulation with gnd in palce of Vdd

Task 4: Design, simulate, and layout Full Adder. (30 points)

Figure 14: Error free Full Adder schematic

Figure 15: Error free Full Adder layout

Figure 16: Error free Full Adder simulation schematic and spice code

Figure 17: Full Adder spice simulation

Figure 18: Full Adder spice simulation with Vdd in place of gnd

Conclusion: This lab provided excellent practice with the layout of logic gates