ENGR 338 -  Lab 4 2023 Fall

Name: Ian Van Horn
Email: imvanhorn1@gmail.com
Lab 5: The Inverter

This lab coveres the layout and simulation of an inverter in eletric VLSI

This lab requires the Eletric VLSI software

Task 1: Create the schematic of the inverter (30 points).

Figure 1: Inverter Schematic (error free) with DC Sweep Spice code

Figure 2. Inverter DC Sweep Spice Sim

Figure 3: Inverter Schematic (error free) and Pulse Spice Code

Figure 4: Pulse Spice Simulation

Task 2: Create the layout of the inverter (20 points).

Figure 5: Layout of Inverter(error free)

Task 3: Use multiplier of build large inverter (20 points).

Figure 6: Schematic Using Multiplier to Create 100/50 inverter

Figure 7:100/50 inverter layout (error free)

Task 3: Run simulations to verify the driving capability of these two different inverters (20 points).

Figure 8: 20/10 Simulation Schematic and Spice code (Capacator value changes 100f,1p,10P)

Figure 9:100f Spice Simulation for 20/10 Inverter

Figure 10: 1p Spice Simulation for 20/10 Inverter

Figure 11: 10p Spice Simulation for 20/10 Inverter

Figure 12: Schemaic for 100/50 Inverter simulation and spice code( Cacpacator varies 100f,1p,10p)

Figure 13: 100f Spice Simulation for 100/50 Inverter

Figure 14: 1p Spice Simulation for 100/50 Inverter

Figure 15: 10p Spice Simulation for 100/50 Inverter

 This lab sucessfully taught how to layout an inverter in eletric VLSI. The 100/50 inverter proved capable of charging a larger capacator in the same time as the 20/10 inverter. This is because is uses 5 PMOS and 5NMOS
transistors in paralell rather than just 1.