MSP430 and ST32 Tutorials

Humberto Arredondo Perez
CE 351 - Fall 2020

In this class, we learned the basics of MPU's such as MSP430 and ST32 respectively. We followed the 3 tutorials provided in this course. The main goal was to be aware of the different port communication each MCU provides and their functioning and their IDE programs.

Methods and Materials

 a) MSP430

First, we downloaded and installed Energia IDE then paired it up the MSP430 MCU and we run a code to make blink a LED.

Figure 1. Blink the LED on the board.

Figure 2. Analog input using a potentiometer.

Figure 2. Analog input using a potentiometer.

Figure 3. Using a Bluetooth Serial Termminal App, we use HC-05 module to turn on an LED using a simple cpmand in the app.

Figure 4. Using voice commands to turn on, off and blink an LED.

Figure 5. OLED display module, Paired up.

Figure 6. Modified the code to display only text and recive a text messege by bluetooth.

b) ST32

The development board we used was the Nucleo F401RE. We downloaded the software for this MCU. Used C lenguage in CubeIDE.

Figure 7. The first task was to set up the board correcly and run a simple blink LED command to meke sure is working.

Figure 8. We used  UART and I2C communications ports and protocol to display something in the serial monitor. And using an Interrupt so we can type what we want to be display.

Figure 9. We connected the MPU6050 and display the readings in the serial monitor.

Figure 10. We connected the MPU6050 and run some code to paired up usig I2C protocol communication.

Figure 11. Then we fix the code to displayed the acceleration values.
(I am currently working on troblue shooting this part)

In this labs we found out that there is in fact many different MCU out there bisides the arduino uno (which is the most common this days). We learned how to do basics in Energia IDE and Cube IDE. How important is to understand and used different port communications. we got more familiar with the datasheets and how to read the ports of the modules and MCU.