ENGR338 Spring 2021
8-bit Succesive Approximation Register
Name: Cheyenne Tucson
Email: crtucson@fortlewis.edu

8-bit Succesive Approximation Register (SAR) Block Simulation

1. Introduction

Knowing how a Succesive Approximation Register (SAR) operates is crucial to understanding how a SAR ADC converts a voltage sampled at a moment into a digital translation. The SAR is constructed of many D Flip-flops that have set/reset functionality. The D Flip-flop specifically used in this SAR is based off a circuit from Texas Instuments (TI) that is intended for commercial use; This flip-flop is made of 3-input NAND gates. For this assignment, a 3-input NAND gate will be constructed in LTSpice out of NMOS and PMOS transistors and have a symbol created for use in other schematics. The D-Flip-flop will be built out of NAND gates, and the flip-flop will be used to build the 8-bit SAR block. Each will be simulated in LTSpice to confirm functionality before using it to build the other circuits.

2. Materials

3. Procedure

First, the schematic for the 3-input NAND gate was created. I had one made from a previous class I took, but I decided to recreate it for extra practice. This can be seen in Figure 1 below. After the schematic was finished, I created a symbol from the schematic to make using this NAND gate in other schematics easier. This also can be seen in Figure 1. Once the symbol was finished, I created a new schematic to simulate the NAND gate and verify that it works as intended.
Once the functionality was confirmed, I used the NAND gate I just made to create a new schematic of the D-Flip-flop. I created a symbol for the D-Flip-flop, and then created a schematic to simulate it. These all can be seen below in Figure 2.
Once the D-Flip-flop was verified, I created a 8-bit SAR out of the D-Flip-flops that were just made. I made the symbol and simulation schematic to ensure it works as planned. These can all be found in Figure 3.

4. Results

Figure 1. This is a screen-snip of the NAND gate schematic (right), simulation schematic (bottom left), and simulation results (top left.) Notice that Vout is only low when all three inputs are high.
Figure 2. This is a screen-snip of the D-Flip-flop schematic (right), simulation schematic (bottom left), and simulation results (top left.) The levels have been marked with black text, and the impossible cases have been marked with a transparent shadow blocking them.
Figure 3. This is a screen-snip of the SAR schematic (bottom right), simulation schematic (top right), and simulation results (left.) The levels have been marked with text, the moment of sampling is marked with black arrows on the clock plane (in blue,) and each bit is shown cascading down from LSB (B7 in purple) to MSB (B0 in lavender.)

5. Discussion

I did notice that the output of the NAND gate was wonky when I built it with the 50n NMOS and PMOS transistors. The output would slowly creep back to the full scale voltage and never reach 0V. To correct this issue, I reduced the size of the tranistor to 1u x 10u like the one I built while taking Fundamentals of Logic back in the Summer of 2020. This corrected the output to as I expected. I also noticed that the impossible cases of input combinations in the D-Flip-flop from TI came out to be valid in the simualtion. I think this is either because LTSpice gives an ideal simulation or because I could not get the correct simulation outputs with the 50n versions of the NMOS and PMOS transistors from the model.txt file. I will look into this further to make sure that this issues was not caused by an error in my schematic design.