CE433 Lab 2023 Spring
Lab 6:
Basys 3 Board to Implement an LCD Driver
Name: Vann Montoya
Email: bvmontoya@fortlewis.edu

    Basys 3 Board to Implement an LCD Driver

    The purpose of this assignment is to use the FPGA to connect and communicate with the LCD display.

Materials and Methods
   Basys 3 FPGA
     HJ1602A LCD

    Task 1: Repeat the work on the textbook (40 points)
Video 1: FPGA Displaying to the LCD different texts.

    Task 2: Modify the code to show steady texts on the display (30 points)
Figure 1: FPGA Displaying a static text.

    Task 3: Use ASCII code instead of letters in the code to display 'Hello !!'. (30 points)
    Figure 2:
The FPGA displaying "HELLO !!"