CE 433-2 Lab 2023 Spring
Lab 1: Vivado, gvim installation and preparation.
Vann Montoya
Email: bvmontoya@fortlewis.edu

    Vivado, gvim installation and preparation.

The purpose of this lab is to become familar with Vivado, gVim and using/uploading to the website.

Materials and Methods:

Task 1
: Test your webpage on yilectronics.com.
The link to this site!

Task 2: Install, use and demonstrate gVim commands.

Figure 1:
A screenshot demonstrating that gVim was installed.

Here is a link to a Youtube video demonstrating gVim's keyboard commands.
gVim Youtube Commands

Task 3: Install Vivado and make a screenshot of the user interface.

Here is a screenshot showing that Vivado was installed.

Figure 2:
A screenshot demonstrating that Vivado was installed.

This lab introduced me to gVim as a great text editing tool and help refresh me on Vivado!