CE 433 2023 Spring
Report 7
Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
Name: Vann Montoya
Email: bvmontoya@fortlewis.edu

    Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
Materials and Methods
1. In section 2. use the debounce module to create a counter. When the user press the button once, it shows a '1' on the seven segment display. If the user keep pushing the button, the display increments by 1 until 9 then it resets to 0.(25 points)

2. Repeat the UART transmitter in Section 2 to show letters/symbols in the serial monitor. (25 points)

Video 2: Video demonstrating the FPGA communicating with the Arduino serial monitor.

3. Repeat the work in Section 3. (25 points)

Video 3: Demonstration of input from PC on FPGA.

4. Show the numbers you typed in the serial monitor on one seven segment display unit (less than 10). (25 points)

Video 4: Using the 7 segment display to show the input.