CE 351 2023 Spring
PID Control with Photocells
Name: Vann Montoya

Email: bvmontoya@fortlewis.edu

        PID Control with Photocells

    The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate a proportional - integral - derivative controller (PID controller) using a photoresistor and LEDs.

Materials and Methods
    Arduino Controller
    Photocell resistor

First thing we want to do is measure the ambient light with the photoresistor before any additional LED lights.

    Figure 1: Ambient light readings from the photoresistor.

    Initial readings show approximately ~136.
    Now, we add an LED next to the photoresistor and measure the new value.

    Figure 2: Light readings from the photoresistor near an LED.

    We see that ambient readings show ~136 and with an assisted LED is ~228.
    Taking the median between the two results in a set point of 182.

    Figure 3: Code using the Set Point of 182, the values
oscillating around the set point.

    Now, we want to add an additional LED to the board.
    We'll write a Python script file to read from the USB and plot it.

    Here's the code from the file:
    Figure 4: Python code for reading from the USB and plotting.