CE351 2023 Spring
Build an IoT temperature monitor
Vann Montoya
Email: bvmontoya@fortlewis.edu

Build an IoT temperature monitor

The purpose of this assignment is to create a wireless temperature sensor via WIFI.
We will be achieve this by using an Adruino nano, Dallas DS1820 temperature sensor, OLED display, and an ESP8266 WIFI module.

    Materials and Methods
Adruino Nano
Dallas DS1820 temperature sensor
OLED display
ESP8266 WIFI module.

Task 1.1: Repeat this example on your side. (5 points)
    In this case we want to use Adafruit OLED library but without all the extra animations, images and texts, so we want to modify the code to simplify it.

Figure 1: The OLED connected with the Arduino showing a simple display.

Task 1.2: Repeat this example on your side. (5 points)
    Now we want to connect our temperature sensor to the Arudino and read from it using the Serial Monitor.

Figure 2: Arduino wired to the Dallas DS1820 temperature sensor.

Here's the code used to read from the sensor and display to the Serial monitor:

Figure 3: Dallas DS1820 temperature sensor code and Serial monitor readings.

Task 1.3: Repeat this example on your side. (5 points)
    For this section, we want to combine both previous steps and read from the temperature sensor and display it to the OLED display.

Figure 4: Arduino displaying the temperature to the OLED.

Task 2: Repeat this example on your side. (15 points)
    Use an ISR while displaying on ssd1306

Video 1: Demonstrating the OLED still displaying when an interrupt

Task 3: Repeat this example on your side. (50 points)
    Now we want to take readings from the temperature sensor and transmit the data via WIFI.
    However, there is an interrupt conflict between the OLED and the WIFI module, we will need two Ardunios, one to handle the temperature readings and displaying and the other to transmit the data via WIFI module.

Figure 5: Wiring diagram for the system.

Video 2: Demonstrating the system working and communicating with ThingSpeak.

Task 4: Add a pushbutton or a few pushbuttons to the system to allow the user to change the WiFi AP username and password. (10 points)
    For this task, I focused only the password input so I removed all the additional components and only had the Arduino and a rotary encoder for input and displayed to the Serial Monitor.
    I've coded the rotary encoder to cycle through upper/lower-case letters and 0-9 then a "DONE" for when the inputs have been selected.

Video 3: Demonstrating password input using a rotary encoder.

Task 5: Design the schematic and the PCB layout of the system in Eagle. (10 points)