CE 351 2023 Spring
Four-Wheel Smart Robot Car
Name: Vann Montoya

Email: bvmontoya@fortlewis.edu

    Four-Wheel Smart Robot Car

    The purpose of this assignment is to bring together multiple components, devices and sensors to create a smart robot car.

Materials and Methods
    Ultrasonic sensor
    Infrared sensor
    Line Tracking
    4 DC Motors

Task 1: To assemble the car, please follow the tutorials in the following video series. Please take GOOD care of the small parts of the car when you assemble it.

    Here is the car fully assembled:
    Figure 1: Fully assembled car.

Task 2: Just repeat what I did in the video above. Take screenshotes or videos for your report. You will use the same ultrasonic sensor in the robot car kit.

    Here's the video demonstrating the ultrasonic sensor working:
    Video 1: Demonstrating ultrasonic sensor.

Task 3: Understant the code and repeat it on your side. Take VIDEOs for your report.

    This next task is to demonstrate the servo motor on the car which controls the direction of the ultrasonic sensor.
    Here's a video demonstrating the servo moving:

    Video 2: Servo motor demonstration.

Task 4: Use the example code to turn on the motors of the car, take VIDEOs for the report.
    Next task is to make the car move using the DC motors aboard the car.
    In this case, I set the PWM to 100, which is just under half the total power (255) to make sure the car doesn't immediately take off.
    Figure 2: Car movement code set with a PWM of 100
    Here's the video demonstrating the car moving on its own:

   Video 3: Car movement demonstration.

Task 5: Repeat my work in the demonstration video and use the similar method to test the Right and the Left IR emitter-receiver pairs.

    For this task, I went ahead and updated the code to display when the line is on the left, middle, or right IR emitter-receiver sensor.
    Here's a video demonstrating the IR emitter-receiver pairs:
    Video 4: IR emitter-receiver pairs.  

     Task 6: Complete the code for Mode 1: Only after pressing '1' to enter Mode 1, then go places!

     Task 7: For Mode 2, complete the code for the car for the 'Go Places' and the 'Line Tracker' mode. You must use the remote controller to switch the modes.

Task 8: Embed this Obstacle Avoidance strategy into your entire code. The final demonstration must be done in ONE Sketch (one sketch covers all the three modes).