CE351 2023 Spring
Name: Vann Montoya
Email: bvmontoya@fortlewis.edu

The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with the
ESP32 WiFi-BT-BLE MCU Module using the Arduino IDE.

Materials and Methods
ESP32 WiFi-BT-BLE MCU Module
Arduino IDE

Task 1: Use the Arduino IDE to program the ESP32 Module with a simple blink program. (10 points)

Video 1: Demonstrating the ESP32 module programmed with a simple blink program.

Task 2: Communicating with the MPU6050 Accelerometer and Gyroscope using the ESP32 Module. (10 points)

Video 2:
Demonstrating the ESP32 communicating with accelerometer and displaying the results to the serial plotter.

Task 3:
Convert the X, Y, Z readings into g's and display a smooth plot. (10 points)

Video 3:
Demonstrating the ESP32 communicating with the accelerometer and displaying to the serial plotter in G's.

Task 4:
Communicate and write to the SD card using the ESP32 (10 points)

Figure 1: The ESP32 Module wired with the SD card module.

Figure 2: Test files being read from the SD card that were created using the ESP32 and SD card modules.

Task 5:
Read X, Y, Z data from the accelerometer and write to the SD card, then use Python to plot the data. (10 points)

Figure 3: The ESP32 module connected with the accelerometer and SD card module.

Figure 4: The serial monitor reporting that the X, Y, and Z, readings have been successfully written to their text files on the SD card.

Figure 5: Reading from the SD card shows X, Y, and Z text files written successfully to the SD card.

Now we want to create a python script to plot the data from the .txt files.

Figure 6: Python script file for reading from the data and plotting

Figure 7:
Python generated plot from the data.

Task 6:
Convert the data to G's, read from the SD card and plot using Python (10 points)

Figure 8: Plots created using Python reading from the accelerometer data.

Task 7: Using two ESP32 modules, communicate between both using the WIFI module and display the data. (10 points)

For this section of the assignment, I tried so many different times to get the two ESP32-S Modules to communicate with one another.

I used the code provided for both the master and slave, made sure to check the MAC address for the slave module, tried different ESP32 modules, swapped the two,
however, no matter what I tried I could not get it to work.
On the slave module I was not able to receive the data from the master and only displayed zeros for all received values.

Figure 9: Two ESP32-S Modules, one for reading data and sending, the other for receiving and storing the data.

Task 8: Using the two ESP32 modules, read the accelerometer data and store it on the SD card. (10 points)

Task 9: Clean up the code for both master and slave modules, save the accelerometer data to the SD card and plot the results. (20 points)