CE 338 Lab 2023 Fall
Lab 5: The Inverter
Name: Vann Montoya

Email: bvmontoya@fortlewis.edu

The Inverter

The purpose of this lab is to create an inverter in Electic.

Materials and Method

Task 1: Create the schematic of the inverter. (25 points)
We are to create the schematic of the inverter using a PMOS and NMOS transistor.

Figure 1: Inverter schematic created in Electric, its icon, DRC check, and simulation results.

To verify the inverter, we can simulate the circuit.

Figure 2: Results from the inverter and the Spice code.

Task 2: Create the layout of the inverter. (25 points)
Now, we want to create the layout for the inverter.

Figure 3: Layout of the inverter created in Electric, also, showing no errors.

Task 3: Use the multiplier to build a larger inverter. (25 points)

.Now to create a large inverter using Electric multiplier.

Figure 4: A large inverter created with Electric in layout.

Task 4: Run simulations to verify the driving capability of these two different inverters. (25 points)

For this portion, we are to use the icon for our simulations. We need to attach the inverter to a 100f, 1p, and 10p capacitor.

Figure 5: The 20/10 inverter connected with a 100f capacitor.

Figure 6: The 20/10 inverter connected with a 1p capacitor.

Figure 7: The 20/10 inverter connected with a 10p capacitor.

Figure 8: The 100/50 inverter connected with a 100f capacitor.

Figure 9: The 100/50 inverter connected with a 1p capacitor.

Figure 10: The 100/50 inverter connected with a 10p capacitor.

This lab was a great way to continue practicing using Electric.