CE433 Lab 2020 Spring
Lab 5
Braden Morrow
Email: bdmorrow@fortlewis.edu

1. Lab 5 - A 3-bit Adder/Subtractor for 2's Compliment Signed Binary Numbers

2. Introduction
The purpose of this lab was to combine many of the things we've learned in this class to make a 2's compliment adder/subtractor.

3. Results
Task 1 & 2:
These tasks asked us to use the led's ans seven-segment display on the Basys 3 board to display the results of the adder/subtractor we created. Figure 1 shows the code for the adder/subtractor module used for the actual calculations. Figure 2 shows the seven-segment display and testbench code for interfacing with the Basys 3 board. Figure 3 shows the results of these tasks in one video.

Figure 1. Code for 2's Compliment Adder/Subtractor and Supporting Full Adder Module

Figure 2. Code for Basys 3 Interfacing Testbench and SSD Display

Figure 3. Video of 2's Compliment Adder/Subtractor Implemented on Basys 3

4. Discussion
This lab was very interesting because we were able to implement many methodologies we learned earlier in the course. I had many issues interfacing with the SSD until I ran accross Dr.Li's tutorial on his website. This helped solidify the logic in my head and I was finally able to implement a solution that worked. However, I wish my previous implementation had worked, but it was causing too many DRC errors to chase down. I also suspect that if I had given more delay between changing the negative sign and numbers there would have been less overlap in the video.